Thursday 28 February 2013

Sunday 24 February 2013



I watch the incredible series of "The Walking Dead"... I personally think that this is the BEST TV SHOW EVER MADE. Of course, you gotta give credits to the comic book series in which it is based on,

The TV series has a creative mind of its own, because I can tell you right now that they are "somewhat" completely different.

Now, for those of you who do not know what the Walking Dead is about, ...yup! You guessed it :D It's about walking dead people!!! Rick Grimes and a group of people are survivors in a world overrun by zombies.But it isn't a HORROR horror film series. What I mean by this is that, you will not get scared when watching it...I know it comes off as something that'll make you say, "There is no way in HELL, that I am watching dead people walking..."

.....if I get scared of Criminal Minds, and I don't get scared of this, ..... That has GOT to prove to you how "barely" scary this series is...

I can promise you, that once you watch it, you will get addicted to watching it, and you will not stop. IT'S JUST THAT GOOD!! 

The graphics are unbelievable, the characters have been portrayed extremely well, there's ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS  a story line (for those who think that it's the same thing over and over again [killing zombies], and you will favour one of the characters I bet you ;), and IT'S JUST


My fav characters atm is Maggie and Darrel. <3 

So if you want to know more information, I will give you as many reasons as I can to make you watch it!

Watch it tmro at 9pm on AMC! :)

Thanks guys!!

Thursday 21 February 2013

MY WORLD (life in my life atm)....- no edits

why am i so indecisive... right at this moment, im about to make one of the most important decisions of my career. 

why is our world so full of making these decisions??!?!?!! 

its like....I dont want to make the wrong decision or else im gonna ruin my whole life. 

why do they make us do this... who the heck decided that this was reasonable.......... 

i wish that we didnt have to worry about jobs. I wish we didnt have to worry about money. i wish we didnt have to worry about making a path for our lives...

i dont wanna "plan" my future.
i wanna just let it go where it needs to go; naturally....

its so unfair sometimes.

i mean, our world was made with nature, humans, the water, the sun, the moon and stars, and the sky. 

i could be anywwhere in the world right now if it werent about fighting the "battle of our liveS"; to stay alive.

one day......
just one. 
I wanna be FREE.

-no paying for food
-no paying for shelter
-no working
-traveling wherever the heck i wanna go (on feet or on plane)
-not worrying about transportation
-not being scared 
-not being restricted in living in one city
-no distractions with the cell phone or ANYTHING
-walking downtown
-seeing the scenery
-appreciating the culture
-appreciating the human race
-witnessing the beautiful monuments of our world
-tasting the world's food
-no rules
-taking pictures
-climbing a gigantic tree that smells like pine and looking over the sun

-but not acting crazy...........

if there was a day like this.

oh boy.


Wednesday 20 February 2013

FASHION - Hairstyles

I need a new hair colour....

Any suggestions? (no red)
Pinkish/Purple (Highlights)

Goldish/Redish/Fire (Highlights)

Pinkish/Purple (Whole head)

Blue (highllights)

Blonde (whole head)

Purple (Whole head)

HEALTH - How Many Hours of Sleep?


On average, I'd say that I get around 5 hours of sleep per day.

That's not too-too bad, but as you might have guessed, you need at least 8. So I'm trying my best to keep myself on a schedule to give myself those FULL EIGHT HOURS that I absolutely need!

If you are having some trouble sleeping, or not getting the amount of sleep that you need, I've come up with REASONABLE and DO-ABLE ways that can hopefully help you. We both know that they always say to count sheep or take deep and calm breaths....but trust me, I'm not a supporter of any of those. I've tried. But they always disappoint me, especially the next morning when I look like ____.

:D hahahha SOOOOOOOooooooooOOOO, here they are!

1. Read a book
- Or some kind of "reading" that you can do
- It uses up the last bit of energy into your eyes, and sooner or later your eyes will start to get dry and watery, and then eventually you will want to put your book down (no matter how good it is)

2. Put down the iPhones, iPads, Androids, Blackberry's, and iPods
- I know that whatever social media or email you have to check will distract you from doing what you ACTUALLY need to do.......SLEEP!
- The bright lights will awaken your eyes; not tire them out
- Do. Not. Feel. Tempted. ---the next morning you can check it out and say to yourself, "hey!! I got a message!" or "omg, someone just followed me!!" It'll be such a pleasant surprise to make your morning :)

3. Prepare most/all of what you need for the next morning
- Knowing that you've done everything that you need to do for the new day will calm you down.
- It will reduce the time in the morning that you waste on preparing
- It will give you more time in the morning to sleep in those extra 15 minutes
- You can pat yourself on the back for being such a responsible being ;)

4. Don't concentrate on sleeping
- I know that this is somewhat ironic, but you can't think so hard
- This requires you using your brain to the best of your ability; this is not the time.
- pretty straight forward, no? :P

5. Pray
- Honestly, I personally think that this is the most useful tip
- I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you try this one
- It has so many benefits for you (communicate to God, let go of all your issues and problems, talk your way out of staying awake, create a close relationship with Him, stress-free, relaxing, and it just lets your thoughts wander wherever it wants to go, naturally)

These are my tips, I hope that these help (if you try them out ;)
If they did, (y) :)
If they didn't (n) :( too bad.


Monday 18 February 2013

FUN - Things Girls Like About Guys

Snapshot from the movie, "Friends with Benefits" 
Top 5 things (most) girls like about guys - let's just clarify that this does not pertain to ALL GIRLS... these are just some things that are most common, and most liked by a number of us. This list  is strictly based on thoughts, not accurate results from some specific scientific poll :P

In no particular order, here it is :)

1. When they play with little kids. I can honestly say that this is SO TRUE, because seeing them laugh or play around with their little sister or brother, it's just so precious and adorable to see! It gives an idea of maybe an innocent side to them and really approachable ;)

2. When they're a bit mysterious. Now this doesn't mean creepy or stalker-ish... It's pretty much when they  are confident - being independent, because it looks like they can really take care of themselves well. Let's just not forget how important having friends are though, if it seems like they're avoiding people in general - it might draw girls away as well.

3. When they hold the doors for you, WITH MANNERS. You know how sometimes there's that person who's walking ahead of you, opens a door, and sort of holds it, thus making you race that run-of-gratitude.... You know what I'm talkin' about ;) Well it's nice when that person does that, and you say 'thank you', and a smile and/or a 'your welcome' follows!!! That's the best part :)

4. Goooooooood style and scent. I feel that this relates more to the "first impression". Like when you first meet the guy, having a presentable way of dressing can really be a plus. Depending on whichever person, this can obviously vary :) but for 'scents', ohh my gosh,

Abercrombie and Fitch cologne >>>>>

5. Conversation continues!! Having a conversation is hard itself! But when he can make it interesting and make you comfortable saying whatever the heck you want to say, that. Is. Amazing. Be yourself! That's all that needs to be said at this point.

Let me know if you think that these are accurate, or somewhat accurate, or completely false! I agree with those 5 things, so I'd like to know what you think about them :) 


I apologize if this image scared the living crap out of some of you :P 

But these are the JGEEKS!! Long story's fairly short:
- From "New Zealand's Got Talent"
- Performers for (Maori crowd, especially)
- Fit
- Of the traditional Maori decent (with modern touches ;)
- Create a whole new level of entertainment for the world!

I've been so interested in world accents lately. New Zealand accents - especially!
I don't know why, but there's just something in their language that I hear that's just so unique and exotic!

I mean, I pretty much consider myself a "pro" at distinguishing accents (when anyone is speaking english). The native tongue and history of places like the U.K, Australia, N.Z, and South Africa, just intrigues me so quickly; so fast!

If you think you can test me and see if I can distinguish where the accent is really from, when the person is speaking english, I would respectively accept the challenge :D SERIOUSLY!! TRY ME!

oh and here are some vids of the JGEEKS! IM A FAN, as you can tell ;) What can i say?!?! THEY HAVE TALENT!

Sunday 17 February 2013

EVENTS - Faze Magazine 2013!

Faze Magazine - "Supergirl" event
Haaaaallloooooooooo (there's marcus butler for ya ;) 

SOOOOOOO., This is where my friends and I literally took 3657298578937593 millions pics! It was an event for Faze magazine. 

Just in case your wondering what this is all about;

- Celeb guest speakers
- Special performances by Jesse Giddings, Eleven past one, etc...
- Hosted by Phoebe Dykstra from NML (you'll know this if you're from Canada, for sure)
- Free 'swag-bag's
- Free prizes

It happens occasionally each year, and they have different performers and guest speakers each time! THE ONLY CATCH: you gotta be under 23 ;)

For the second time attending, it still reached its standards from last time :) Lots of screaming girls, loud music, and a bunch of cool sections where you can get your nails and makeup done!

Here are some other pics, if interested :D

Phoebe Dykstra
Phoebe Dykstra
Jesse Giddings and Phoebe Dykstra
Jesse Giddings and Phoebe Dykstra
Jesse Giddings
Jesse Giddings
P.S. Phoebe Dykstra.....gosh, she is so down-to-earth, I find it extremely difficult to NOT LOVE this girl! <3333 Absolutely adorable! And Jesse Giddings...... <3 in love <3 Talented, HOT, nice, HOT, friendly, HOT, cute, HOT, tall, HOT <3 Very inspirational, because he helps out with Free The Children and MeToWe! ;") JUST BEAUTIFUL...


Downtown, Toronto

Today was pretty awsome!!! I'm not gonna lie... Just spent time with friends downtown today! It was freezing cold!!! I thought I was gonna have to take off my shoes in public, and hold them with my hands! ( i know, gross right?? :/ but HEYY!!!! at least we got time to eat, "Chipotle"!!! 

Looks good, eh? ;)

Chicken Burrito, BABYYYYYY!!

This is a must-have meal! Not too-too big, not too-too spicy, it was pretty much the PERFECT measurement of spices and goodness to be defined as "FRIGGEN DELICIOUS"!!! So, try this for lunch one day :)

Saturday 16 February 2013

SPORT - Rugby

This is Izzy Dagg <3 on the left.

As you can see, he's a rugby union player for the New Zealand All Black's team!

If I can say anything about this athlete, it is that he is simply "the best" rugby player of today (well, in my eyes ;) 

For those who are clueless as to what rugby is or who the All Black's are...pls. Find yourself a comfy spot. Click on youtube. And watch these 2 videos. You will not be disappointed, I promise.

Forget the sport. Forget the people., 

just realize the. PASSION.

If you have any questions or comments regarding anything from up there ^ , pls feel free to leave them here :) Thanks.


Hello everyone :) 

THIS IS MY BLOG! First ever! (just incase you didn't read the about me)

Why did I decide to create this?

- I thought it'd be a great way to express the oh-so-interesting things that I do in my daily life ;)

- Mainly for myself; so that I can go back and remember what happened on this day

- Review events, products, or travelling experiences that I find are quite unique and amusing

- To appreciate life! and record the amazing things that occur that we sometimes don't think are important

So if you see this, thank you for visiting and checking it out :)
If you don't seem interested in anything on this blog...well, I don't really care, but thanks for viewing it anyways... :P 

That's all I have to say atm!
Byeee xoXO