Monday 18 February 2013

FUN - Things Girls Like About Guys

Snapshot from the movie, "Friends with Benefits" 
Top 5 things (most) girls like about guys - let's just clarify that this does not pertain to ALL GIRLS... these are just some things that are most common, and most liked by a number of us. This list  is strictly based on thoughts, not accurate results from some specific scientific poll :P

In no particular order, here it is :)

1. When they play with little kids. I can honestly say that this is SO TRUE, because seeing them laugh or play around with their little sister or brother, it's just so precious and adorable to see! It gives an idea of maybe an innocent side to them and really approachable ;)

2. When they're a bit mysterious. Now this doesn't mean creepy or stalker-ish... It's pretty much when they  are confident - being independent, because it looks like they can really take care of themselves well. Let's just not forget how important having friends are though, if it seems like they're avoiding people in general - it might draw girls away as well.

3. When they hold the doors for you, WITH MANNERS. You know how sometimes there's that person who's walking ahead of you, opens a door, and sort of holds it, thus making you race that run-of-gratitude.... You know what I'm talkin' about ;) Well it's nice when that person does that, and you say 'thank you', and a smile and/or a 'your welcome' follows!!! That's the best part :)

4. Goooooooood style and scent. I feel that this relates more to the "first impression". Like when you first meet the guy, having a presentable way of dressing can really be a plus. Depending on whichever person, this can obviously vary :) but for 'scents', ohh my gosh,

Abercrombie and Fitch cologne >>>>>

5. Conversation continues!! Having a conversation is hard itself! But when he can make it interesting and make you comfortable saying whatever the heck you want to say, that. Is. Amazing. Be yourself! That's all that needs to be said at this point.

Let me know if you think that these are accurate, or somewhat accurate, or completely false! I agree with those 5 things, so I'd like to know what you think about them :) 

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