Saturday 2 March 2013

SPORTS - Bargnani Needs Confidence!

Andrea Bargnani


The game was horrific...just a plain disappointment to the supporters, teammates, and coach of Andrea Bargnani. We lost 81 - 93. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!?!

And let me be the first to say that it was not all Bargnani. Like give him a friggen break people! Maybe yeah! His playing these past few games were not as good, but all the players were playing absolutely crappy yesterday....even YOU, RUDY! So, WAKE UP RAPTORS! You guys actually need to put some effort in your plays.

Sloppy passing, lack in defence, and obnoxious support from the Toronto crowd, like c'mon people! Basketball fans aren't loyal, so just BLOCK THEM OUT! 

I'm proud to say that I showed up to the game with my "Andrea Bargnani #7" jersey! SO YOU GO BARGNANI!

The thing with him is his CONFIDENCE.  Toronto Raptors supporters aren't doing their job right now because, yeah, he's not playing so well. I mean, why would he after all this crap from us. From behind my seat you got people yelling stupid things like, "BOOOO BARGNANI! BRING YOUR PASTA BACK TO ITALY!" ............ -_- really?

Let me tell ya, it pains me to say it, but I think he needs to leave. And not cuz I don't want him on our team, it's just that we all know that once he leaves the raptors, he's gonna build up more confidence, and beat the living CRAP OUT OF US! ---LIKE ANY OTHER RAPTOR WHO LEAVES!! Admit it! This always happens!

Right when they leave the Raptors, they end up playing incredible! So, you know what! GOOD FOR HIM~ If our constant judgement pushes him down to get a hand up from another team, then by all means! Bargnani needs to leave the Raptors.

It's inevitable; for the better.

So Bargnani, what do you think? Stay or leave us...

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