Friday 29 March 2013


Look at the centre of this knee....I tore that.

Hi everyone~!
I recently got injured last thursday during a rugby match with my team. Unfortunately, it was more serious than I thought.
Tearing your ACL is one of the worst things that can happen on the feild...this means I'm done for the season, heading to the surgery room, and walkin on crutches for a while...NOT FUN.
I've gotta say that the support that I'm having is incredible though. You can really see what's infront of you, people that care for you ensuring that you're okay, knowing that they all have your back.... that's the best feeling. Knowing you are not alone.
I'm a pretty tough cookie, but saying this doesn't make you weak. It makes you STRONGER!
Now I can wake up the next morning, not worrying about going through my day without one leg...but going through it with people that are ensuring your strength, confidence, and responsiblities aren't beaten down.
I'd like to thank those people who have helped me through it. You know who you are...
My coach is the most amazing person, and I love her so much. She's so dedicated to the team that she'll treat you like family. She's helping with my therapy, and keeping my confidence at its highest.... and yes.SHE PROMOTED ME TO ASSISTANT COACH!!! OH YEAAAAA!!!! :D
But honestly.....things happen for a reason. And this....this is making me look forward to ripping up the feild next year. Most of all, it cleared my mind-- I realize how much love and support I have......friends and family. I'm not alone...
Thank you <3 I could not go through this without you...
Here's a clip of what it looks like when you tear your ACL...
mind you..... i did not look like that when it happened :P I was smiling, idk why tho lol....

Friday 22 March 2013

MUSIC - Song of the Week

1. Sail - by Awolnation

Sorry, havn't blogged in a long time... crazy things have happened..

Meanwhile, the only song that has been continuously replaying in my head is this one!

Listen to it. Love it. Buy it on itunes. Whatever.

It's amazing :)


Sunday 17 March 2013

BFF's - Mmmmm :) M&M's

Oh march break....the places you could visit during this time.

I'm currently sitting down in my comfy chair at home right now...,

Meanwhile my friend, Cecile is in NYC RIGHT NOW!!! LUCKY BUTT!
So, during her time there she decided to be the best person alive and buy me some M&M's!

They're from the M&M store there, so yes! They are special (to me).

Thanks alot! I thought I'd just throw in something personal in this blog even though it's past midnight here.

So see you tmro, hopefully!! xx.

Saturday 16 March 2013

MUSIC - Song of the Week

My music pick of this week would have to be:

1. "Just Give Me A Reason" by Pink ft. Nate Ruess

2. "22" by Taylor Swift (yeah, I'm really not a fan of hers, but o well...)

I'm the kind of person that'll listen to a song I like over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until I get sick of it....

Hope you enjoy those ^^ xx.

Thursday 14 March 2013

BEAUTY - Fave Celeb Makeups

I don't care if my title doesn't make sense,'s late.

These are 5 celebrities that I really adore b/c of their makeup looks, and how they do them! (no particular order) HERE THEY ARE <3 :

1. Michelle Phan

2. Tanya Burr

3. Jasmine Villegas

4. Arianna Grande

5. The Makeup Chair



It is so hard to keep up with posting things and keeping up to date with everything.
I guess I could use practice, but what do you all blog about?!

I need some tips :)

I'll post things that I would personally like to see on other people's blogging sites... tutorials, reviews, relate-able emotions and feelings, tips, and interesting facts!

So, I'll try my best to continue!

BYe    xx.

Saturday 2 March 2013

SPORTS - Bargnani Needs Confidence!

Andrea Bargnani


The game was horrific...just a plain disappointment to the supporters, teammates, and coach of Andrea Bargnani. We lost 81 - 93. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!?!

And let me be the first to say that it was not all Bargnani. Like give him a friggen break people! Maybe yeah! His playing these past few games were not as good, but all the players were playing absolutely crappy yesterday....even YOU, RUDY! So, WAKE UP RAPTORS! You guys actually need to put some effort in your plays.

Sloppy passing, lack in defence, and obnoxious support from the Toronto crowd, like c'mon people! Basketball fans aren't loyal, so just BLOCK THEM OUT! 

I'm proud to say that I showed up to the game with my "Andrea Bargnani #7" jersey! SO YOU GO BARGNANI!

The thing with him is his CONFIDENCE.  Toronto Raptors supporters aren't doing their job right now because, yeah, he's not playing so well. I mean, why would he after all this crap from us. From behind my seat you got people yelling stupid things like, "BOOOO BARGNANI! BRING YOUR PASTA BACK TO ITALY!" ............ -_- really?

Let me tell ya, it pains me to say it, but I think he needs to leave. And not cuz I don't want him on our team, it's just that we all know that once he leaves the raptors, he's gonna build up more confidence, and beat the living CRAP OUT OF US! ---LIKE ANY OTHER RAPTOR WHO LEAVES!! Admit it! This always happens!

Right when they leave the Raptors, they end up playing incredible! So, you know what! GOOD FOR HIM~ If our constant judgement pushes him down to get a hand up from another team, then by all means! Bargnani needs to leave the Raptors.

It's inevitable; for the better.

So Bargnani, what do you think? Stay or leave us...